"We the people of the United States of America" are....
We the people of the United States Of America, along with the people of most other nations, are being lead like sheep. In many cases this means LEAD TO SLAUGHTER and at the very least being dominated by a tyrannical founders of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Yes- the N.W.O. is not just a saying, it's not just a BUZZ TERM. These so-called "founders" are leading the entire world into slavery and submission quite literally.
N.W.O. ? |
, Yes, the New World Order is alive and well. THRIVING in fact and their plan for world domination is actually ahead of schedule. Have you ever wondered how the entire world can be embroiled in the same mess and no one seems to have a plan to correct these problems? It's no accident that Political Correctness, violence from the Muslim world, China and Russia flexing their nuclear powered arms, bought and paid for politicians are all common denominators that affect every person on the planet. The more advanced the "civilized" nations are, the better the plan works.
The overwhelming majority of the people on earth are unknowingly, and even worse- those who don't care, are all pawns in the plan of world dominance. Every politician who accepts "donations" for election are all bought and paid for. They do exactly what they have been bought and paid to do by "them". |
Do Your Own Homework.... |
Uncharacteristically of me, I shall refrain from naming names and finger pointing. I'm challenging YOU to do your due diligence and to do your OWN homework on this matter. Research it for YOURSELF. While you do, keep in mind that most of the information you will find is being fed to the public by the founders of the NWO. "Seek and ye shall find". Those words are much truer now than when they were first written thousands of years ago. Not only was it meant to be spiritual advice, but also for the people that live in this day and age as a warning to everyone.
The sudden and profound rise of the Muslims are a fine example of people who under different circumstances would be very good and moral people.Their situation that they are born into is no different than anyone else. Yes- I said it and to make matters worse, I'll give credit where credit is due. What makes the Muslims so unique is that in this day and age it is STILL their religion that dictates their actions rather than a government doing it. In the end, it makes no difference what is leading the sheep, they are still being lead, willingly, to slaughter. The NWO uses the natural herding instincts of all people to control them by whatever means works. Yes- it is that simple. Take note that though out history, the person that dares to be the lone wolf is typically hunted down and killed. Why? That person upsets the system of control used from the beginning to keep the flock in line. This behavior is by no means limited to humans, it's found everywhere in nature. MAKING THE DISTINCTION of leaders and followers is the same, for the purposes of this article, is the same as US and THEM, the HAVES and the HAVE NOT's. The difference in this day and age versus past history is that now the leaders for the first time in history can lead from anywhere on earth. They do not have to stand before their followers and account for their actions and risk immediate retaliation of their unhappy followers. Face the FACTS of the matter, YOU the individual reading this is a SHEEP. Yes, you are a sheep. No matter who you are and what your position is, you are a follower. It laudable to think of yourself as a leader. You are just another link in the chain of world dominance. Why? because you choose, for whatever reason, to follow the path of those before you. There is no such thing as freedom, we are all part of the worldwide system that controls everyone. Those that do not follow are eliminated from the game and the game goes on. Aptly enough, as I write this my RIGHT of personal freedom of speech was just stopped cold by TWITTER. I new person followed me and I TRIED to send them as message thanking them and got the all too familiar "YOUR MESSAGE COULD NOT BE SENT". This wasn't a public message, but a private DM (Direct Message) from me to the other person. Don't believe it is happening? Try it yourself. Make a few waves on Twitter and DARE to talk about MUSLIMS, Islam, Jihadist and the such and you will soon notice that things don't work the way they used too. More about that elsewhere on this website. I will resist the urge to ramble on further and give you more dire warnings of doom and gloom. While some Americans can and will fight back because of the RIGHTS afforded by the Constitution of this once great country, I fear that we have already passed the point of no return. It's my sincerest hope and wish that I am proven wrong. For now I'll hold to that sad conclusion. WE THE SHEEP OF THE WORLD HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO FOLLOW. I said it and I will fight to my death if need be, to defend my RIGHT to say it. If you think that we are NOT beyond the point of no return, then I'm happy for you. Continue the fight ad I will back you every step of the way. I urge you to not be afraid to be the BLACK SHEEP in the flock. |
One last closing note- When President George W. Bush was in office he was brave enough to quietly warn the world of the terrible fate about to befall us all. Several times he used the term "NEW WORLD ORDER". At the time it irritate me deeply to hear him say that. I took it that he was getting us sheep used to the idea what we had no real say so in the grand scheme of things. I now realize that it was a veiled message to WARN US OF THINGS TO COME. The final plans of the New World Order are in place and right on or ahead of schedule. We the sheep are just to vane and conditioned to understand it, much less fight back against it. The entire world is about to start fighting each other. All with their own purpose and cause. This is exactly what THEY want. That being said, I do not blame anyone to stand for their belief and fight the good fight. Who knows, WE may just win and beat THEM!